Visionary. Benevolent and committed.

Aline forever.
Influential in the Foundation and the family.
Caring for others has been a great need for Aline since a young age. Regardless of the stage of life and the opportunities, Aline always had a big heart for her fellow human beings. She has consistently pursued this mission throughout her life and successfully translated it into action.
Not only she, but also her family shaped this basic attitude. After Aline's death, the Fondation Aline continues this mission. Aline's presence is palpable and permanent. Forever Aline.
Your heartfelt desire
Share your good fortune with people in need.
To foster people and strengthen the community.
Aline had seen it as a privilege and a task to motivate others to move forward in life. Precisely because life gave her a lot through her tireless efforts, she shared this good fortune with those who had less of it. The decisive factor for Aline was, on the one hand, the willingness of those in need to be helped and, on the other hand, her own drive to make something of it. An enriching life and the strengthening of the community: Aline fought for this belief at all levels. The Fondation Aline is the legacy of Aline Studhalter. It is gratefully carried on as a social and moral obligation by both the Foundation Board and her family.
Aline. Ambassador of her values.
For the family and for the Foundation.
Starting her own family reinforces Aline's desire to pass on the core values of life and to lead an independent life as a fundamental goal. By means of charitable support and accompaniment of people in need, who show with their personal commitment that they want to get ahead.
Their commitment has grown steadily, especially due to the strong cohesion in the family. People who are worse off should be given a chance and also use it to start their own family, to pass on their values and to pass on their heritage. All this to support the children, our bearers of hope for the future.
Aline lives on in our hearts.
Thanks to everyone
“We are very grateful for our friends and acquaintances' appreciation for Aline.
This gives us strength and joy to make Aline’s aspirations a reality.”
The family of Aline Studhalter